Being able to touch-type is an invaluable skill for any student and a life changing skill for some (for more information on the benefits of learning to type see our
programs page).
We use a phonics-based, multi-sensory touch-typing program which supports reading and spelling development while also teaching your child to type. Letters, words, and punctuation are taught in groups of 5 modules: four learning modules followed by a dictation module. Students are taught with the keyboard covered until correct finger movements are secure.
During the past year we have found that 45 minute sessions are optimal for online teaching. We are therefore offering two week mini camps where students have a 45 minute session each day Monday - Friday. During a two week camp, we aim to ensure that all of the alphabet and the different types of punctuation are covered.
June 28 - July 9 (no class on Monday 5th July)
4 p.m.
9 days $320 (Includes a 1-1 set up session prior to camp)
July 19 - 30
4 p.m.
10 days $360
(Includes a 1-1 set up session prior to camp)